June 4, 2007


Appeared on June 5th of 2007.


  1. This one is really beautiful. The sky's colours are, perhaps, a bit wrong.

  2. Anonymous6/05/2007

    motherfucking album cover. beautiful

  3. Well if every work that has to be a cover is going to be a cover there will be lots of new cds!

  4. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Too much of a colour contrast to be a cover work. It's not instantly pleasing to the eye, it takes a while to figure it out.

    In terms of advertising, this wouldn't be cover art because it's not eye catching enough. Kind of.

  5. Christ.. That is just awesome. Chilly fog.

    Wierd fishee- I don't think the colours are off, actually. I think these colours, more or differently from Donwood and Tchock's previous works, seem to embrace the icy, polluted, lonely, (and the entire colour scheme of human vomit. No offense to anyone) in a new way. These colours make me think of metal and acid and contaminated water.

    At first I thought it looked inverted, but I think it's more probable that it's done with some sort of gravure (continuing his "fun" with the wide varity of printing techniques from that record we all know ;-)

    However, I'm totally ignorant about etchings and printing techniques (though one can read about it in headlines at the end of this link), I just don't think it looks like it's made with oil or acrylics.

    Anyway, I think this reminded me that Donwood and Tchock's work can feel like a nice punch in the face.

  6. Anonymous6/05/2007

    oh look its the new album cover

  7. Anonymous6/05/2007

    another valuable natural resource painting

  8. I know the colours are probably 'wrong' intentionally. What I meant to say was that, although it looks incredibly beautiful, the sky is not supposed to turn those colours. It looks ominous even though the colours look like jewels. I really love what they did with the mountains. By the way, this one is similar to lightencker, one of my favourites.
    Interesting link, hvlukas. Thank you.

  9. yes, i like this, even if, as you said, it's not instantly pleasing to the eye. Also, it looks kind of "choppy", like pixelated, maybe on porpouse or maybe becouse the resizing of the image......
    i also tought at first that the colours were inverted, but when i inverted the image the colors looked even more ackward....i'm really interested in how staney achieve this colours with the etchings, pretty weird, i like that :)

  10. Anonymous6/05/2007

    I'm seeing a fantastic undersea world, where underwater volcanos taint the ocean with their geothermal heat, turning the water into firey billows of steam and lava.

    coffee time *yawn* & good morning!


  11. Dis is it, back where we started

  12. Anonymous6/05/2007

    These drawings are getting boring and repetitive.

  13. Anonymous6/05/2007

    blood soaked coral sea
    suburbia on mountaintops
    the last of human civilization

  14. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Runamok- Have you read Cormac McCarthy's new novel, "The Road"?

    It's a post-apocalyptic tale, describing a journey taken by a father and his young son over a period of several months across a landscape blasted years before by an unnamed cataclysm which destroyed civilization and most life on earth. Unfortunately, Oprah has somewhat tarnished it by choosing it for her book club, but I still plan to read it this summer inspite of her reccomendation.


    (oh, clever link to myspace as well) :p

  15. Anonymous6/05/2007

    no i've never read The Road i did read half way through an older novel he wrote called All The Pretty Horses don't really know why i never finished cause i thought it was really good!
    ah Oprah that talk show host, that suburbia house wife's worship its a really irritating i probably check the book out once i've finished all the books i already bought.

  16. an apocalyptic scenario...the colour in the sky is wrong perhaps cos it means to be on fire.. toxics fogs and etc... i love the housing estates down there. yea very apocalyptic; especially the comet.

  17. Anonymous6/05/2007

    multi media on canvas. i wonder how they got that lava looking effect?

    by the way, the hills are always the last place to be eaten.

  18. I like the contrast between the 'organic' and the artificial in many of these prints. The organic nature of the background is made to look like something alive. Some of these are actually very sensual.

  19. Anonymous6/05/2007

    looks like the cloud effect on photoshop
